GWO BST Refresher

GWO Basic Safety Training Refresher


The aim of BST-R is to review and build on previously gained knowledge and skills from BST through theoretical and practical training. This BSTR training shall enable participants to support and care for themselves and others working in the industry by possessing the knowledge and skills of first aid, working at heights, manual handling, fire awareness, and in case of an emergency, to be able to evacuate, rescue and provide appropriate first aid to casualties. 

• First Aid Module (FA)
• Manual Handling Module (MH)
• Fire Awareness Module (FAW)
• Working at Heights Module (WAH)


High Q have a long and successful track record of delivering work at height and first aid training at our purpose built facility in Brisbane. Our experienced instructors will ensure participants learn industry best practice and gain practical experience to ensure they are competent and confident to work safely in the wind industry.

About the Global Wind Organisation


Global Wind Organisation is a non-profit body founded and owned by its members - all of whom are globally leading wind turbine manufacturers and owners/operators. 

The members strive for an injury free work environment in the wind turbine industry, setting common international standards for safety training and emergency procedures.


GWO published the first version of the Basic Safety Training (BST) standard in 2012 in response to the demand for a recognisable standard in the wind turbine industry. 

GWO training standards describe the requirements for training courses that are recommended by members of GWO. By complying with GWO standards and criteria, certified training providers are considered competent and proficient.

Any individual with a GWO certificate in the Wind Industry Database (WINDA) is considered competent and knowledgeable according to the learning objectives of that standard. GWO members accept the certificate as confirmation the individual possesses the required knowledge and competences as described in the standard.